Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where is the VisitForm data stored?

Answer: VisitForm securely stores all data in a Azure Microsoft SQL Server located in the United States.

Question: What do I require to run VisitForm?

Answer: Any device with a web browser can run VisitForm. The system has been tested with Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Brave, Opera, Vivaldi and Firefox.

Question: How can I change the order of my columns?

Answer: Hover the cursor over the column name (until your cursor changes to Move icon) and then drag the column to the right/left of the column you wanted to place it in front or behind (you shall see a small arrow popping up in the other column).

Question: How can I rename my columns?

Answer: Right click on the column header and select Rename. If the Rename option isn't visible make sure you have set to allow column rename in the Setup page.

Question: Why doesn't the timestamps show my local time?

Answer: Make sure you have set the right time zone in the Screen page.

Question: I need some help configuring and customizing my screen exactly how I want it, can you assist?

Answer: Definitely! Just write us an email at and we will get back to you

Question: What format for phone numbers shall I use?

Answer: Any US standard phone number should work (do not include hyphens, dots, spaces or parentheses). For international numbers make sure to add the country code and a + sign in front of the number.

Question: The analytics page tells me my notifications doesn't get delivered, what is wrong?

Answer: Make sure the format of the phone number is correct. You can test this with the manual notification feature. If the notifications still doesn't get delivered. Contact us and we will assist.

Question: Can you give me a walkthrough and/or demo of the system and all of its capabilities?

Answer: Yes! Contact us and we will schedule a meeting.

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